Memory Games – Brain Training APK
- 上线时间:2022-10-17|
- 动作闯关 |21.02MB
说明: 使用高速下载应用,下载速度更快,下载更安全,体验更多游戏。
Have fun challenging your friends and random opponents around the world in the brain games online! Train your logic and reasoning skills and experience a true joy of victory by playing and winning online! Make you online rating be among the world’s best! Onwards to new victories in our new online mode!
Over 1 000 000 users have chosen to train their IQ and memory with our app. Join the ever expanding brain training programs (brain games) and give your cognitive skills a boost! Try it now!
The features of our memory games:
– simple and useful logic games
– easy to train your memory
– even small children can play them
– you can play without internet connection on the way to work or home
– requirethe minimum of your time a day, 2-5 minutes of trainingare enough
Games for training your memory
Free games for training memory – it’s not only useful but also is a easy and fun way to train your visual memory. Some games are easier but some might feel challenging at first. But wait and you’ll be amazed with your progress and finesse!
Memory Grid. The most straightforward and beginner-friendly game for training memory. All you need is to memorize the positions of green cells. What can be simpler, right? The game board will contain green cells. You need to memorize their positions. After cells get hidden you’ll need to click on the green cells positions to uncover them. If you make a mistake – use replay or hint to complete the level. Number of green cells and game board size gets increased with each level which makes later levels of the game challenging even for experienced players.
As soon as you feel comfortable with simpler games and want more challenge move on to more challenging free games for training your memory: logic games, Rotating Grid, Memory Hex, Who’s new? Count’em all, Follow the Path, Image Vortex, Catch them and others.
Our games allow you to train your visual memory as well as track your progress. And the game form with ratings and challenged keeps the process engaging and fun all the way as you train.
Games for training you mind
Our games are designed to increase your brain performance. Our brain can not be stretched. If doesn’t contract as your leg muscles as you walk. But the more you exercise your brain the more neural connections are created in your brain. The more your brain activity – the more oxygen rich blood gets there.
If a person exercises the brain not often – existing connections get weaker, brain gets less oxygen and starts to work slower. Health of intellect directly depends on brain neural network state.
How to improve your logic? It’s very simple, install our application and train your memory every day while playing.
What’s New
Absolutely New Challenge mode.
Play it to get to the TOP
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