《刺客信条3》遭无节操恶搞 康纳同爆乳女人热舞
另外安东尼帕迪利亚的好友Ian Hecox也前来助兴。他就“知道”康纳“成不了大器”,为难之时替他解了围。Ian Hecox在本片中还把《无主之地2》封面人物和最近很火的韩国《骑马舞》一起带了进来,话说《刺客信条》的穿越的确威武。。。
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Freedom fightin' machine, big-ass hatchet in hand
Why'd you have to kill my bros? I'm-a slash your face, man
I'm a very skilled assassin killin' dudes in ones and twos
Blood flowin' like a river, need a box of tissues
When I'm huntin', I be stuntin', you can never find me
In the bushes, in the hay stacks, in your mother's laundry
Watch me comin', free runnin', up the walls like a boss
What you lookin' at, bitch? Taste my tomahawk chop!
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
From Boston to NY, always up to no good
Don't know how I can see out this big-ass hood
Walkin' through the crowds touchin' you on the back
Using my hidden blade for a secret attack
Jumpin' off of giant buildings like I was a super man
Use your momma as a meat shield every time that I can
Take a break from the war to hunt for some meat
What? A man's gotta eat...
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
I shoot a mofo in the throat with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
Up first in the verse feel the clack of wooden teeth
Bread and butter, lift the covers and you'll find the fu**in' heat
Revolution I lead, with the world I got beef
I dig my wigs powdered, wear boxers- I don't wear briefs
You can't step up to me and my gang
Horse and carriage, drive bys, bullet in the chamb'
Ridin' over your clique like the Delaware, son
I'll get my face on that dollar after this sh*t's done
How many fools can I kill today?
Too many to count, don't get in my way
I shoot those mofos in the face with my bow
Tomahawk chop is my death blow
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