Because there are no enemies or any danger of any kind you will be able to lean back and enjoy the scenery and the sensation of flying. It is a great game for relaxing and calming down after an exhausting day full of hassle.
Every level has two parts. A first introduction into the overall theme and a second one that gives a little more time to play around and to enjoy the beauty of the area. Of course, you can always select the level that you feel helps most to relax yourself. Most levels can be finished quite quickly so that you can freely choose spend time exploring the environment but you don’t have to stay for too long if you are just looking for a short moment of peace and enjoyment.
Game Features
16 different landscapesUnlimited replayability trough randomized level goalsBeautiful visuals and soundtrackThe experience of flyingIntuitive and relaxing gameplayA moment of peace and enjoyment in you daily life-
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